Monday, September 24, 2007


I'm here again in Basic Skills, and while my kids do their assignment, I'm updating my classroom and personal blog. This weekend was a blast. Friday night we cleaned up the house. Saturday morning Daniel got up and went door knocking for the Hispanic work in the area. After door knocking we went yard salin'. We had a blast. We spent less than 20 dollars - CAN'T BEAT THAT. We also got lost looking for a restaurant in the middle of no where Ball Play, AL called Beans 'n Greens. We found it after ending up in Piedmont/Centre. Go figure. We also went to the Spanish worship services at 3:00 PM Saturday. (They had the services at Glencoe.) I didn't understand a word they said except I caught "loco" once. I cracked up; I couldn't help but laugh. We worked on the nursery some Saturday and got some stuff for it at the yard sales. Yesterday, I went house looking with Mom just for the fun of it. (It's my favorite past time.) Overall, we had a great weekend! Oh, we also ate lunch with our preacher and his wife on Sunday. That's was a sweet treat! Much love to all!!


Emily said...

Help! I need your expertise! Do you know of any math games or online sites that I can tell parents about? I have a parent that is requesting some for her son who is struggling and I don't know any. Please help me! :) Thanks!

Mandi said...

check you my blog

it has some good links on the sides.

also look at the links on