Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Golden Age Banquet

Our congregation has honored seniors (over the age of 60) each year by doing a dinner and show. It is called the Golden Age Banquet. This tradition use to be a huge production larger than Vacation Bible School. However, with new trips added yearly the event is not as elaborated as it once was. This year the theme is "A Night With The Stars." The stars are of course the youth. There will be different 'acts' as the kids portray their talents and comical skills to make the adults ooh, ahh, and even laugh. Last year's theme production was focused on the Veteran's as the event fell on Veteran's Day weekend. Here is the advertisement for this year's Golden Age Banquet. I will post pictures as the decorations come together and later picutres from during the program! Daniel accidentally put 2009 on the 2010 advertisement. Even I have to admit, it is hard to get use to the new decade!

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