Wednesday, August 20, 2008

  • Life has been good lately!
  • School is amazing. I have the BEST behaved group of kids EVER!
  • We went and looked at a house on Monday. We liked it alot but are still debating as to rent or buy.
  • I bought two new tired yesterday ($260 ouch!) and my car drives like it did 90,000 miles ago! Its amazing what tired will do for a car.
  • I am sad the women's gymnastics is over! I loveee watching it.
  • We will begin worshiping at Roebuck Parkway one week from today.
  • Tipin is doing well. She is as rotten as ever, and we wouldn't have it any other way.
  • I am having some tests run this or next week to see about pain in my lower left side. I went to the doctor on Monday. Shouldn't be anything too terribly major.
  • I am off work a week from Monday... yipee! I've already got part of the day planned. It's amazing how one day off will make you smile for weeks knowing its coming up!
  • I saw the first Christmas decorations of the season Monday. I was BESIDE myself with excitement. It makes me smile thinking about the season to come!! (I'm grinning right now!)
  • Daniel has one week and two days left at DHR and then a week of vacation! Yay, no more 'bossy bosses'!
  • I've been itching to do a project. Anybody got any grand ideas? I'll post a few and see what you think... These are three of my new favorites I've been eyeing...
Project 1) Take a simple canvas tote bag and use bright colored rafia to make sunburst on it!

Project 2) Take an old picture frame, paint it, attach knobs and ribbon, and use it to hang your favorite jewelry and accessories from!!

Project 3) This one is a favorite because I love love love old blue Ball Perfect Mason jars. I have plenty of them laying around to use for this. You make a little shadow box out of the jars using nature and photos!!

Hope I sparked a little bit of creativity inside of you!!! Love you guys, Mandi

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